Carrollwood Care Center

Tampa, FL 33625
(813) 960-1969
Resident Stats
Staff Stats
Certified Beds: 120
Number of Residents: 119
Percent of Occupied Beds: 99%
Sprinkler Status: Fully Sprinklered
Program Participation: Medicare and Medicaid
Type of Ownership: Non profit - Corporation
Located Within a Hospital? No
Multi Nursing Home Ownership? Yes
Resident and Family Councils? Resident
Continuing Care Retirement Community? No
Quality Indicator Survey? Yes
Special Focus Facility? No
Overall: 3 Star Overall Rating
Health Inspection: 2 Star Health Inspection Rating
Nurse Staffing: 4 Star Nurse Staffing Rating
Quality Measures: 3 Star Quality Measures Rating
RN Only: 3 Star RN Only Rating
Date Type Category Deficiency Scope Level of Harm Date of Correction
20080821 Health Mistreatment Deficiencies Write and use policies that forbid mistreatment, neglect and abuse of residents and theft of residents' property. Isolated Minimal harm or potential for actual harm 20080922
20080925 Health Environmental Deficiencies Make sure that the nursing home area is safe, easy to use, clean and comfortable. Pattern Minimal harm or potential for actual harm 20081104
20091217 Health Pharmacy Service Deficiencies Properly mark drugs and other similar products. Isolated Minimal harm or potential for actual harm 20100117
20091217 Health Quality Care Deficiencies Give professional services that meet a professional standard of quality. Isolated Minimal harm or potential for actual harm 20100117
20100413 Health Quality Care Deficiencies Give professional services that meet a professional standard of quality. Isolated Minimal harm or potential for actual harm 20100513
20100413 Health Administration Deficiencies Keep accurate and appropriate medical records. Isolated Minimal harm or potential for actual harm 20100513
20100413 Health Pharmacy Service Deficiencies Have drugs and other similar products available, which are needed every day and in emergencies, and give them out properly. Isolated Minimal harm or potential for actual harm 20100513
20100621 Health Quality Care Deficiencies Give professional services that meet a professional standard of quality. Isolated Minimal harm or potential for actual harm 20100721
20100621 Health Administration Deficiencies Give or get lab tests to meet the needs of residents. Isolated Minimal harm or potential for actual harm 20100721
20101104 Health Pharmacy Service Deficiencies Properly mark drugs and other similar products. Isolated Minimal harm or potential for actual harm 20101130
20101104 Health Quality Care Deficiencies Give professional services that meet a professional standard of quality. Isolated Minimal harm or potential for actual harm 20101130
20101104 Health Quality Care Deficiencies Give each resident care and services to get or keep the highest quality of life possible. Isolated Minimal harm or potential for actual harm 20101130
  Value Notes
Percent of long-stay residents given influenza vaccination during the flu season: 98
Percent of long-stay residents who were assessed and given pneumococcal vaccination: 95
Percent of long-stay residents whose need for help with daily activities has increased: 13
Percent of long-stay residents who have moderate to severe pain: 2
Percent of high-risk long-stay residents who have pressure sores: 14
Percent of low-risk long-stay residents who have pressure sores: 0
Percent of long-stay residents who were physically restrained: 7
Percent of long-stay residents who are more depressed or anxious: 9
Percent of low-risk long-stay residents who lose control of their bowels or bladder: 54
Percent of long-stay residents who have/had a catheter inserted and left in their bladder: 4
Percent of long-stay residents who spend most of their time in bed or in a chair: 3
Percent of long-stay residents whose ability to move about in and around their room got worse: 6
Percent of long-stay residents who had a urinary tract infection: 11
Percent of long-stay residents who lose too much weight: 11
Percent of short-stay residents given influenza vaccination during the flu season: 93
Percent of short-stay residents who were assessed and given pneumococcal vaccination: 87
Percent of short-stay residents who have delirium: 0
Percent of short-stay residents who had moderate to severe pain: 7
Percent of short-stay residents who have pressure sores: 38
# of Residents: 119
# RN Hours per Resident: 0.66
# LPN Hours per Resident: 0.82
# CNA Hours per Resident: 3.13
Total Staff Hours per Resident: 1.48