Care One At Livingston

Livingston, NJ 7039
(973) 758-9000
Resident Stats
Staff Stats
Certified Beds: 136
Number of Residents: 123
Percent of Occupied Beds: 90%
Sprinkler Status: Fully Sprinklered
Program Participation: Medicare and Medicaid
Type of Ownership: For profit - Corporation
Located Within a Hospital? No
Multi Nursing Home Ownership? Yes
Resident and Family Councils? Resident
Continuing Care Retirement Community? No
Quality Indicator Survey? No
Special Focus Facility? No
Overall: 4 Star Overall Rating
Health Inspection: 4 Star Health Inspection Rating
Nurse Staffing: 2 Star Nurse Staffing Rating
Quality Measures: 4 Star Quality Measures Rating
RN Only: 3 Star RN Only Rating
Date Type Category Deficiency Scope Level of Harm Date of Correction
20091007 Health Quality Care Deficiencies Give professional services that meet a professional standard of quality. Isolated Minimal harm or potential for actual harm 20091106
20100120 Health Resident Rights Deficiencies Provide care in a way that keeps or builds each resident's dignity and self respect. Isolated Minimal harm or potential for actual harm 20100226
  Value Notes
Percent of long-stay residents given influenza vaccination during the flu season: 99
Percent of long-stay residents who were assessed and given pneumococcal vaccination: 99
Percent of long-stay residents whose need for help with daily activities has increased: 5
Percent of long-stay residents who have moderate to severe pain: 2
Percent of high-risk long-stay residents who have pressure sores: 16
Percent of low-risk long-stay residents who have pressure sores: 0
Percent of long-stay residents who were physically restrained: 4
Percent of long-stay residents who are more depressed or anxious: 8
Percent of low-risk long-stay residents who lose control of their bowels or bladder: 34
Percent of long-stay residents who have/had a catheter inserted and left in their bladder: 3
Percent of long-stay residents who spend most of their time in bed or in a chair: 3
Percent of long-stay residents whose ability to move about in and around their room got worse: 8
Percent of long-stay residents who had a urinary tract infection: 14
Percent of long-stay residents who lose too much weight: 9
Percent of short-stay residents given influenza vaccination during the flu season: 99
Percent of short-stay residents who were assessed and given pneumococcal vaccination: 97
Percent of short-stay residents who have delirium: 0
Percent of short-stay residents who had moderate to severe pain: 9
Percent of short-stay residents who have pressure sores: 15
# of Residents: 123
# RN Hours per Resident: 0.8
# LPN Hours per Resident: 1
# CNA Hours per Resident: 2.02
Total Staff Hours per Resident: 1.8